Studio Portraits

Studio Portraits

A Brief History I’m so excited to have a (relatively) new space at the brilliant Yellow Arch Studios, I’ve been wanting to add studio portraits to my offerings for a little while now, and the stars aligned perfectly! I got the keys back in August, and have been settling in nicely since then. It’s a […]

Portraits in LA

Double Exposure on film

I found myself taking portraits in LA of Sheffield-based creative soul Ayse back in March. The stars definitely aligned here. Back in Sheffield we had briefly talked about doing a shoot together, but thanks to Ayse’s passion for travelling and creativity, it’s never been easy to plan. Well, it just so happened that we found […]

Promo Campaigns for Musicians

Promotional Campaigns For Musicians

Promoting Your Work I have been doing quite a few promo campaigns for musicians recently, so thought I’d pop a some of that work into a blog post, to bring it together a little. It’s been FUN. Putting together visuals for a specific creative musical project or a promo campaign is very much a collaboration. […]

July Film Adventures

July Film Adventures

July Film Adventures July was the month of stepping back out into the photography world, and reigniting the love I have for portrait photography.. The months seems to be flying by at record speed, but also standing still at the same time. August is here already and I’m not entirely sure how that happened. Maybe […]

Portraits On Yodica Film

Sheffield Photographer

Portraits on Yodica Film Taking portraits on Yodica film is one big fun experiment to me. I’ve used it a few times now, and I’m always surprised by the results. Yodica produce creative 35mm film with colour effects. This particular one I used has a really cool rainbow effect running through it. It can sometimes […]