Portrait Highlights
Putting together my 2023 portrait photography highlights makes me realise how many incredible people I’ve worked with this past year. You’ll see for yourselves once you start scrolling down this mammoth blog post that it’s been a busy year, as well as a very rewarding one.

Sheffield Photographer
This year was all about capturing images that had feeling, and said something about the person/people stepping in front of my camera. Every person is different and has an individual story to tell, so it feels important to me to try and show a glimpse of that. Whether that’s high energy (see below image!) or a quiet. more reserved moment with someone, I want my photographs to represent the people in them, and show their own unique personality.

Studio Portrait Photographer
Something very exciting happened for me this year, I finally got a studio space! Having worked from my attic space for the past couple of years, it felt like the right time to spread my wings a little bit. It’s been such an exciting move for me, and one that’s brought expansion with it. It’s given me the opportunity to try new things out, meet some amazing creatives, and become part of warm and welcoming community.

Did you get this far? I’m impressed! Thanks for taking the time to look through my 2023 portrait photography highlights, it’s been such a good year! I’m looking forward to getting started again this year, and seeing where it takes me. My intention is to develop my practice more, continue to experiment with film and different techniques, design my own sets, and continue to grow my business in an organic way.
Please get in touch HERE if you want to arrange a chat about your own portrait photography session with me. I offer a range of pricing options for you to choose from, so hopefully there is something there to suit everyone’s needs. Here’s to 2024, lets go!