Well, well, well, it’s been a while since my last blog post hasn’t it? I know the importance as a photographer to show your work and market yourself, but once things get busy I am completely useless at actually doing this! One day I’ll get someone else to do this for me, but for now I’ll just continue to periodically drop by in bursts of blog posts when things quieten down.

So what’s been going on then? Well it’s definitely been a Summer of variety for me. Things have been going well in my studio space at Yellow Arch, and I’ve photographed so many brilliant and interesting people. Add some weddings into the mix, lots of interesting events, oh and lots of actual life stuff too, this photographer needs a holiday (hopefully that’s on the horizon soon!). 2024 has been an odd year for creative businesses, it’s been HARD. the hustle is real, and at time quite exhausting. But still we continue on, as the world would be a dull place without creativity.

I’m so lucky to live in a vibrant city that’s home to many talented and inspiring people, and to get to work with them lights up my soul on a regular basis.

I’m currently looking at doing another mini-shoot day in my studio, probably towards the end of this month/beginning of October, which will give me the opportunity to hopefully meet even more brilliant folks. The last one was a great success, and I had a glorious day photographing everyone. It’s a great way to get a little refresh for social media images, a few portraits for your website, or a way to get used to having your photograph taken with a professional photographer if it’s something you feel uncomfortable about…. which is more common than you think! you have any questions about portrait photography, what a session looks like, or how I work, please drop me message HERE, I’m always happy to answer any questions. Hopefully see you again soon, and not in another 5 months!